I usually use my blog as a platform for pleasant, dreamy things like crafts and projects and even a little elbow grease. But today I'm a little fired up!
My soapbox platform: How annoying are door to door solicitors!?!
IMO: Very!
Today is a coveted day off for me. I woke up early and drank my coffee while making a menu list for the week.
I grocery shopped.
I baked!
I budgeted.
I giggled to myself about things I read on Facebook.
I was having a lovely afternoon with the rain pouring down and the candles lit.
Then the doorbell rang.
There's a beautiful young girl standing there out of breath and soaking wet.
I am worried she's in danger or needs help.
Then, she launches into a whirlwind sales pitch...full of panting and rambling...
"Have-you-heard-of-Kirby-vaccuums?-They-are-the-ones-used-in-Mrs.Doubtfire-and-we-need-to-vaccuum-something, anything- in-your-house-we-have-to-do-seven-more-before-we-can-go-home-GULP!- and-many-of-your-neighbors-have-helped-us-and-even-GULP!-a-rug-or-anything-will-do!
I say... "I'm sorry, I'm just not interested."
She says "But-why-wouldn't-you-want-a-free-cleaning?!"
I say..."It's the end of one of my few days off and this just isn't how I want to spend it."
She says "But-all-you-have-to-do-is-reccomend-us-to-your-friends- it's Kirby's-way-of-advertising..."
(Me shutting door mid-sentence.)
So, I quickly whipped this up...
I do feel sort of sad for this dripping wet, gorgeous young lady...but,
I don't shop through my front door.
I really don't like shutting the door on your face.
I don't think I can go so far as to say "get another job."
But really, wouldn't you want to?
So, I ask you- do you have a "No Soliciting" sign? If so, does it work? I searched them online after this afternoon's events and read some reviews- that sales people see them as the doors to knock on because it means those people are bad at saying no. (Not so in my case since I've never bought a single thing through my front door.) Or that good sales people just see them as a challenge. I also read that some people still knock because they don't know what soliciting means (have mercy!) so I thought I'd be a bit more descript with mine.
Maybe tomorrow I will wake up and decide this is too forward and un-welcoming. Or perhaps I'll decide my next project is to spell it out in lights. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the subject or experiences you've had!