Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fall Decor Show and Tell as well as a lil' Meet & Greet Action

Everyone in Blogland is showing their Fall Decor, so I thought I'd join the club.
But before we get to that, please join me in welcoming one of my nearest and dearest friends to the obsession of crafting! She bought her first glue gun this past week. *tear- so proud*
Everyone, meet Katie, isn't she purdy?
(Here we are together at her wedding)
Katie bought her childhood home and has logged many hours doing and re-doing to make it her own, and it's gorgeous.  She's also an amazing cook and bartender. 
Double score when we party at Katie's.
 Oh, and did I mention she married a guy who's last name is Perry?
So... yes, I get to say I kick it with Katie Perry.
She follows many blogs too, and found some inspiration on

for her first project, shown here:
Isn't it good enough to eat!?

In my own home, I finally pulled out the Fall Decor and have started on my mantel.  I, once again, have faught the urge to buy more junk, so decided to get creative.  I searched the house for things I already have, but have never used as Fall Decor before and mixed them with my seasonal-all-ready-in-stock items... here's what I came up with.
The wrought iron mirror is something I bought on clearance when I worked at Pier 1 Imports in high school.  The beautiful brown glass vases are from my wedding.  The butterfly hanging on the mirror is actually a Christmas ornament that came on top of a present from my Mom.  She too gave me the sign shown below when we fell in love with, and moved into our house.
I'm pretty pleased considering I started this project feeling like I needed to buy but I ended it feeling content with what I have.
After all, this season is all about counting the blessings you want already have. Am I right?
Oh, and yes, Betty Kitty has approved this Fall day for relaxing!
(Please excuse her unlady like pose)
Thank you for once again checking in to see what's going on in my world.  I appreciate you following my blog, please make sure to officially follow if you don't already. 


katie said...

Woooo! now I can say I got dirty with the Derksemas!!! Thanks for the shout out, I guess I'll have to live up to that rep and host you and Bri for some a Fall feast/ beverages. I'm a crafting newbie, but you are my #1 inspiration!

Getting Dirty with the Derksemas said...

Haha! We are always down for feasting! Let's plan a day soon to craft together.

Paige and Dave said...

I love your blog! I finally figured out how to put you on the desktop so I can check w/o Facebook. Good job ladies. I miss seasonal decorating :-(

Unknown said...

I really like how you used what you already have to do your fall decor. It turned out aw-FALL-y

Getting Dirty with the Derksemas said...

Thank you Paige and Sue!
I appreciate you following!